On June 26th the Christian Education Committee will be hosting its second seminar of the year. The war in Ukraine has heightened our awareness of the plight and hardships of Ukrainian refugees, but in reality, there are many refugee crises throughout the world that we do not hear about. We are pleased to have the Refugees Ministry Coordinator for RCA Global Mission, JJ Ten Clay, speak to us about her mission work with refugees and how as Christians our faith and bible teachings call us to help. JJ's presentation is entitled "A Tale of Four Women". She will share stories of four women who have faced displacement and set off on harrowing journeys to find refuge.
Lunch will be served right after the Sunday service - a sign-up sheet is available on the Action Table. We hope you will join us for this informative presentation and discussion!
JJ TenClay is a missionary and Refugee Ministries Coordinator for RCA Global Mission. After spending four years in Italy serving people on the move from Africa and the Middle East, many who had experienced forced displacement, human trafficking and exploitation, JJ now works with individuals, churches, faith leaders, communities, educational institutions, and ecumenical and mission partners to provide compassionate, Christ-like care for refugees and other people on the move or living in diaspora.
Presentation Title: “A Tale of Four Women”
Join JJ as she shares the stories of four women who have faced forced displacement and set off on harrowing journeys to find refuge. JJ will also give an overview of the current phenomenon of global forced displacement, the people who are seeking refuge, and how people of faith can join JJ in providing compassionate, Christ-like care for refugees and displaced people, both locally and globally.
In person and on Zoom.
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