Our giving is an act of worship. It’s a way of thanking God for our blessings and acknowledging that everything we have is a gift from God. Therefore, no matter what kind of giving option you choose, we hope that you will do so joyfully.
Stewardship has to do with how we use the gifts that are entrusted to us. The Scriptures teach that the Lord is the creator of all things, seen and unseen. Therefore, how we use the gifts of creation, including our financial resources, is a spiritual issue! Moreover, because nearly everything in our world today involves money, our stewardship of money is one of the most significant spiritual decisions we will make. This doesn't mean that other questions of stewardship are not also important—how we use our time, how we use are talents, how we live in community—but the significant role that money plays in our lives demands careful attention.
The Bible teaches that, as His stewards, God asks us to return to him a tithe (the first 10%) of the resources he entrusts to us in order to support his mission in the world. We affirm that the local church is the most significant agent of God's mission in the world. Our goal as a congregation is to grow ever more faithful in our participation in God's mission! Therefore, we encourage all members and participants in the local church to strive toward tithing. For some, the giving of a tenth is a goal you are growing toward each year. For others, it is a starting point, and you give graciously beyond a tithe. Whatever gifts you bring, God blesses gifts given in faithfulness and joy.
Though stewardship is a value that we practice year-round, each fall we undertake a special emphasis on stewardship in which we invite all participants in the life of the church to consider how they will support God's mission through our congregation in the coming year. During this time, members and friends of the church are invited to pray about their giving and make an estimate of how much they plan to give during the coming year. Not only does this help church leaders make important financial plans for the church's ministry, but it also helps each of us put God first in our financial lives.
We give from the plenty with which God has blessed us...and in turn we are blessed with the joy of knowing we are supporting God's work in this place. Your pledges collectively determine the annual budget and the level to which various ministries be supported. It is never too late to provide your Estimate of Giving card.
Our Elders and Deacons are concerned about our finances, but believe we have positive momentum as our ministries move forward. Let us together give what we can. Thank you for your generosity.
There are many ways you can contribute financially to Second Reformed Church.
Offering envelopes are available to all of our members and may be placed in the offering on Sundays.
General-use envelopes are also available in the church pews and may be placed in the offering on Sundays.
Checks may be mailed to the church office (please do not send cash). Please ensure that your name and address are clearly identifiable on any checks so we can provide the appropriate documentation you need for tax purposes.
If your bank has automated bill paying, you can set up Second Reformed to receive electronically-generated checks, allowing you an easier way to be systematic in your giving. Speak to our Treasurer for more information
Donating stocks and mutual funds and other "property" often provides a double tax benefit (assuming that the investment has appreciated and that you have held the stock for more than one year). By donating appreciated securities you avoid paying the capital gains tax when selling the stock and the Church pays no capital gains tax when it sells the donated security. Check with a tax professional before initiating any transfer of securities.
As Christians, our faith-based desire to help others can carry into the future and may be accomplished by a will, a trust, or a life income plan. Your gift can be unrestricted, permitting the Church to use your gift where the need is greatest. For further information, see our Treasurer or click on this link for information on the Heritage Fund.
During the course of the year, there are special offerings for designated purposes, usually related to mission.
During both Lent and Advent, special offerings are taken
When there are specific needs, usually related to some natural disaster, there will be a special offering taken to support those specific relief efforts, such as following the earthquake in Haiti. We have traditionally given our donations as one and coordinated it through Reformed Church World Services, now the RCA Care Network.
The Deacon's Discretionary Fund is used to help people who find themselves in need of emergency funds. We have helped dozens of people. Please speak to the Chair of the Deacons if you would like to donate to this program or are in need of it. Thanks for your generosity.