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In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 10 verses 1-17, Jesus appointed 72 elders to go out in groups of two to bless, heal and proclaim the Good News of the Gospel to all who would listen to it. 

In preparation for their journey, Jesus instructed them to take nothing with them. He also told the elders to go to the homes of people in the area, and if those families welcomed them in, to bless them by healing anyone who was sick, share the Good News of the Gospel, and leave them with God’s blessing upon their entire household. When they did, the elder’s returned filled with joy as they celebrated how God had touched the lives of so many people through them. 

Beloved, as we head off to our various vacations this summer, I want you to imagine what it would be like if you were to do as Jesus encouraged the elders to do. Though we may not be able to perform the same type of miracles like healing those who are sick, there is something we can do. We can share the Good News of the Gospel with everyone we meet by showing them the love of Jesus Christ in all that we say and all that we do. 

Take a moment and help someone in need, and what you may discover is, by treating someone with love and kindness, you might be encouraging someone else to do the same. And who knows how far it may go, if they likewise inspire others in turn? May the journeys you take this summer be a blessing to you and everyone you encounter.

Love and Blessings,
Pastor Dwayne